Life to the Full (part 3 of this blog series)

November 16, 2013 — Leave a comment

In order to live life to the full you need to identify your gifts, and talents. A good way to identify these gifts and talents is by asking yourself this question:

What am I passionate about?

For myself, I am passionate about teaching, and leading. I am also passionate about sports and spending time with friends. I know that God has given me these gifts and talents to make a difference in this world.  How can being passionate about sports make a difference?  One day, I was sitting in Buffalo Wild Wings talking to a guy about my fantasy football team.  He said to me, “I thought you were a Pastor.”  To which I replied, “I am”.  He then said, “Aren’t Pastor’s supposed to pray, and read the bible all day long?”  It then opened up a conversation for me to combine my passion for Christ and my passion for football together.  By the end of the conversation this person had a whole new perspective on Christianity, God… and the Detroit Lions.  It was one of those life-changing moments for both of us.

What are you passionate about?

Maybe it’s not teaching, leading, sports, or people.  Maybe, like my brother in law, you are passionate about robots, music, or video games.  Maybe you are an organized, behind the scenes, type of person.


The point is, once you identify your gifts and talents you can then begin to focus.  The problem with most of us is that we have so many things we want to do, we don’t focus on the main things that God has really wired us to do.

I want you to make a list of your unique gifts and talents.

These are the things you know you are good at and passionate about.  After the list is made, you can begin to think of ways you can use those gifts and talents to impact the world, and live a life worth celebrating.

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