Archives For November 30, 1999


What are you willing to do to live a life worth celebrating this year??

Are you willing to work hard?

Are you willing to be decisive?

Are you willing to formulate a strategy for success?

Someone once told me that the difference between a dream and a vision is a plan.  Everyone is capable of day-dreaming.  Everyone is capable of dreaming big dreams.  The way a dream becomes reality however, is by having a strategic plan.  Owning your own business is a great dream, but unless it has tangible, measurable goals along the way, that dream will never become reality.  A detailed strategic plan allows us to achieve our goals.

 “Little details don’t make little differences they make all of the difference. “

I am going to give you a few simple ways you can start working toward your dream.

  1. Define your dream on paper

What is the dream?  What is the thing you want to see yourself doing?

For example:  My wife and I wrote this statement when we started No Small Life:

 We want to help people live a life worth celebrating. 

That is our dream.  What is yours?  Maybe it is owning your own business, working from home, running a ministry, etc.  Take some time and think through this and then write it on paper.

  1. Create a plan

The question Megan and I asked ourselves is this:  How can we help people live a life worth celebrating?  We brainstormed together and came up with several way:.  Creating a blog, creating resources, speaking to groups, mentoring, and life-coaching.  Once we had a plan then we began to think how to execute the plan.

  1. Set measurable goals to achieve your dream

Goals have to be measurable and they have to be specific.  Losing weight is not a goal.  It is not measurable.  Losing 15 pounds in the next 3 months is a measurable goal.  You can measure it each month.  If you lose 5 pounds the first month you are on track.   Some of our measurable goals for 2014 were:

  • Add Value to the lives of people through our blogs.
  • Invest heavily into the lives of couples that were younger than us.
  • Put on our very first Dating Conference.
  • Turn our dating series Pursuit of Love into a book.

A few weeks ago Megan and I sat down and reviewed our goals for 2014 and created new goals for 2015.  We did achieve some of our goals for 2014 and on others we fell a little bit short.  We’re still learning along the way as well.

  1. Educate yourself

If you don’t know how to do something you need to learn.  Don’t ever stop learning how to become better at what you do and who you are.  Read books, and surround yourself with mentors who can help you achieve your dreams.

The only way you can achieve your dream is if you are willing to work hard and create a strategy for success.  This blog series is by no means meant to give you all of the answers on how to live life to the full.  However, I believe that if you follow these steps you will be pointed in the right direction and on your way to living a life worth celebrating.
