Archives For November 30, 1999

Why are we here?

December 21, 2013 — 4 Comments

“I never want to get so focused on changing the world that I forget why I am doing it.”

Christmas is a great time to sit back and reflect on the meaning of life.  Whether you are a Christian or not your life has been affected by the birth of a baby boy name Jesus over 2000 years ago.  Our Culture and our world will be forever impacted by the birth of my Savior.

He came into this world to save it.

He came into this world so that he could impact it in such a way that it would become a better place.

He came to this world to remind people that there is a God who loves them, who knows them and who wants to be an integral part of their lives.

He came to this world to bring glory to a God who doesn’t get much glory in our day and age.

During this Holiday Season I would like you to ponder this question… Why am I here?

I believe that I am on this earth to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

I believe that I am here to live a life that brings glory and honor to God.

I believe that I was put on this earth to change the world.

I believe I am here to live a life worth celebrating.

The problem is that sometimes I get so focused on changing the world, so focused on teaching people to live a life worth celebrating, so focused on my personal goals that I forget why I am doing it.

Sometimes, I forget that it’s not about me.

Sometimes, I forget that I can’t change anyone or anything.

Sometimes, I forget that apart from Christ I can do nothing… nothing of true significance anyway.

I was watching a program called A Football Life earlier today.  The program was all about one of the most successful coaches to ever coach in the NFL.  His name is Marty Schottenheimer.  This guy is an amazing leader, teacher and coach.  Every football team that he coached experienced success when he was there.  He left a winning legacy behind him.  He is now retired and he has a lot of money, a good marriage, a beautiful family, a beautiful home and a winning football legacy.  His family enjoys many comforts and privileges of his hard work.  This is everything most people want in this life.

There is a second story I would like to talk about.  A story of a 33 year-old man named Ronnie Smith.  Ronnie surrendered his heart to Christ when he was in high school.  Ronnie was a very intelligent and well-educated man.  A couple of years ago Ronnie decided that he would leave the comforts of the West and move his family to Egypt and then to Libya.  He did this because he believed that this was his God-given assignment.  He wanted to represent Jesus Christ in a region that was very dangerous.  No one could understand why he would leave such a comfortable life-style and move to Libya where his family would most definitely be in harms way.

This past December 5th while Ronnie was doing his routine jog he was shot and killed for simply being American.  This act of terror received national media attention and cut to the hearts of thousands of people.  Click HERE for a link to the story.

For the purpose of this blog I do not want to focus on his death but I want to focus on his life.  Ronnie’s life was NOT small!  Ronnie lived a life worth celebrating.  He impacted more people than anyone could ever know.  He left this world a better place and fulfilled his purpose of bringing honor and glory to God.  I never knew Ronnie and yet his life has impacted me in so many ways.

Ronnie has inspired me to never forget why I do what I do.

Ronnie inspired me to forget about the luxuries of this life but focus on eternity.

Ronnie inspired me to live a life worth celebrating.

Ronnie has inspired me to leave this world better than when I came into it.

All of us have different callings in life.  Some are easier than others but it is time we ask ourselves two very important questions.

1.  What do we consider success?

Is it retiring comfortably at the end of our life?  Is it playing golf everyday?  Is it providing a comfortable home for our family?


Is it about fulfilling our God-ordained purpose?  Is it about bringing glory and honor to God?  Is it about following in the very footsteps of Jesus?

2.  How do we attain that success?

I believe it is not about what you do but about who you know.  If you know Christ intimately you will change the world, be a huge success and you will never lose sight of why you are trying to change it.

Marty Schottenheimer gets a lot of publicity and a life that many dream of.  But at the end of the day Ronnie is the man that I aspire to be like.  A man that is willing to go where God asks him to Go and do what God called him to do.

Thank you Ronnie, Anita, and Hosea Smith for reminding me why I am here.

Chris Rea